Monday, June 30, 2014

The Finnished Book


                                         ...... A Necromancers Tale .......
                                                            Chapter 1
                                            The Three and The Evil One

A star had gleamed the setting and was full,"Bright".
A hand of a half dead had held the stone edge which was well in the age of Dark Magic Soil Hard.
A deep breath startled the last of the good energy and was retaliated with bats escaping to it's core.
The moon had showed everything near with an orange and red tint to it.
Darkness,it is what had this night spooky,"In-balanced".
A-Way, at the other end of a map held by a Ghoul had an index and a table of contents.
It was hard in the interpret in the moonlight that it had shown itself in.
I smell goodness some-where do you too my Pet?
Instantly,It had a life that had run out.
The map,"The Map Of Croatia".
A deep breath was taken and the hooded man a-then had chosen a which,"which was evil."
The map!
Another ghoul had been risen up of dark-magic.
Whew,that was close,he had thought,and-then,"Once again he had handed his ghoul the map.
Smell my one of evil.
Where are they?
Well,"I dont have all night".
So,They are headed a-south to there king.
The vision had minded him with another,"This time clearer".
The Eye and The Evil One,"Order You!".
I need more ensight!
Three,There three who travel as one.
They what?
They are of the good and they.......
One simple thing i ask of you and recieve without the fullest details.
Hush Numbskull.
Then,We shall find them....

                                                            Chapter 2
                                   The Ancient Elf's and The Encounter

There,we had made it,now,we a-go to The Elvin Timbers Of Krouix.'
Do you have to click at my every word?
Ok,well,"I will spare your soul for now".
The short run from the castles quarter to the bottom-less gate was a-similar to its given name,"Castle Fantom-Gate.
A legend it so has seemed,was a-left with its history that had seen embedded onto a plaque of ghosted wood.
                                                  It Had Read.

To the resting of the dead over-run by evil.
And,to the wounded who over-cometh the Evil One.
There-of,to all who enter,enter with caution.
As well to those who have seen the dead.
And,for all those who had left in spirit.
Cant we forget, the one who have seen it.
"The Phantom King".
Rest to all those and rest in peace.

As it had seen of being written,was what it was in death and in life,"Pre-history'.
Where are they?
Oh,"dead one's of my blood?"
The paranormal had face it's direction in,"Instinct".
There they are!
The one shall not,can not and will not live to see it with thee.
The word's had settled vamp-Sumners toung prior to them leaving it.
He had faced forward,then,he had tried better in his persuit's.
The one of the three had fled the wood's into ag-grow.
There had notice a-tree's after tall giants and had surpassed his good intention of vamp-sumners evil of blood,spirit,darkness and summons as well as much more,"wrong-done".
Vamp-sumner knew within what he must do to the one.
That being so is what leave's him a-chasing the one of child,"Typically".
You stole my stone child!
One thousand and three more timber giant's had surpassed.
He had began to a-slow from running himself,because,"he did not want to waist useful a-still in the pooled energy.
His movements had been un-steady and trackable.
Who goes there?
You better have a great reason to stop my bloody feet.
Do you even know who or what your speaking to?
Um,"Let me see".
Yes,"An Elvin Timber Guard".
Wow, he is good Smelfer.
Yeh,"So what".
well,"he could not know that unless he did not know these part's at all".
Pay our tole and well let you go.
Your tole hah.
Then,if you fight,"you fight all night".
Enlighten me.
Whoa Smelfer.
I can not count,"Can You".
I dunno.
We will see you again,"Necromancer".


                                                            Chapter 3
                                        The One,The Giant and The First Thirst

The end of the Elvin Timbers had a renewed picture that had been brought into being.
Where are you going my Minions?
His minions had ceased to obey his command's.
Come back you deathling's.
And,it was not long traveled of the limbs and long leafs,that,he had found himself  a-watching as his minion's had feasted of a Hungary Village Mountain Lion that only hunts to prey on villagers due to the lack of food source's in the vague area.
Haha,"Feast my Savage's.
He did no longer finnish an order,when,they had began to regain flesh and life.
Eat,"Eat",he said.
The One,"he is not far".
Where is he?
Therefore,shortly there after a chick and a breath,"he too had gained life".
Oh,"he is in battle".
I see.
Then,we a-meet him in growing affliction's and catch him while he is still weak.

                                                            Chapter 4
                                            Finally Meeting The "One Child".

The Chase had begun.
The minutes had recently turned to hours and did total to be as real as the persuit.
Even,with a fifty plus A one yet of his minions to be summoned,"was hard to explain".
Yeraaah, you can not defeat me i am, Girantis , "The Giant Stork".
'Ah,yes! 'It is what we had came here for my children of evil.
And, it had been so with himself, when, he had discovered the one of his minions scented nose and that,that had been in connection with the, "Evil One".
"The One In Battle".
'Go my minions and destroy the one!
What, who is...."Vamp-sumner?"
'Yes! "The one child"
How do you?, "No it can not be".
What? "You in disbelief"
This would mean.
'Oh, so you do know something.
The evil has sent you to kill me has he not?
'You think I would tell you that even if he did?
No,although,if you know the Evil One,Then....
'hahaha,"then what?"
The EYE!
'Common, 'ONE CHILD"
Everyone!, "Lets Move"
'ERRR,The Child Will Just Have To Wait!
Mountain Eh Clash.
It had been normal for a mila-second,when,a storm had picked up the dust.
I will defeat you you Girantis,then,"I will kill the one child.
A stack of many rocks had stopped his speach pushing him to concentrate.
Fifteen Hundred health points and thats all?
'Hah!,"What do you think you can do better?"
'Health suck,Vamp Curse,Minion feast.
His health suck had hit for an un-deadly five hundred health points which worked together with the camp curse.
And, his vamp curse being active,had turned Girantis into flesh and allowed him to use Suck life,then,he converted the blood he sucked into life a-healing himself,while,"his minions feast converted a plus one life to his mana tap.
His curse Giant had dinged the screan not a click after his last skill had been used,"adding an additional curse giving his minions an additional one hundred attack points.
Stone you, "Necromancer",he screamed.
'Your almost dead, Girantis.
I will see you again, Vampsum.
'We shall see.
And, as quickly as the curse had the game changer,'It had ended with Girantis's, "Hearthing Ability ".
'Now,he said. "Let me see".
'Oh,yea,he thought.
'My evil pests who walk of the dead a-still in the living,
"Where is the one?"
The Eye had shown him a vision.
'Ah,"he is not far uh".
Then,with not much of a notice,the projectory shown to him of the eye had diminished,"Ended"

                                                        Chapter 5
                                                We almost had him!

While Running and still in persuit ,"had been discovered of his secreted name,"The vision had once'd again from the eye, "The Evil One".
The minions of his summons had tracked with fair ease for day's without another life or blood pointbeing used,'His mana hardly touched".
And,well,His energy was the only empty pool available.
A pool of energy to a vampire,"is a deadly fortification".
And,as well,"to say the least", to the one still in fleet.
Energy Tap."You gain Eight Hundred Energy".
The voice had narrorated of the eye of speaking,"Aloud".
'We are What?,"We are close uh".
Another visual exploded and filled up the world.
'Ah I see". "He is over these walls".
The walls were a-seen and were walls of his eye's percieving,but,on the map,"were the walls of Gremlic's".
'The Gremlics!
'We meet again,"One child".
Attack gremlics!

                                                              Chapter 6
                                                     The battle of grems

The Gremlics had,had the offensive to there castle.
The offended,  had it not been noticed, had Vamp-Sumners minoins discovered upon reaching the well man-crafted brick-stand.
The castle wall's are not fair,"Gremlon!"
You just wait until i drop your Gremlic-men.
And,with heart or honesty for an answere,"his arrow head-shotted his strongest walking of the dead.
You'l Pay for that! "Blood tap."
The Gremlon had held his face and well.
You just lost your Gremlic,"Gremlon".
Fool Shot.
The arrow started and accumulated energy,then,glittered,"sparkling about".
"My Minoins".
The gore was fairly equal and the dead count ,"Two to two".
"Steal life","Life stolen fifteen hundred health point's returned".
"Convert the steal", 'Rise my under-children".
What? "You Suck","Vamp-sumner".
In more than a second of casts back n forth,"A creation re-hit fifty summoned of Minion".
"Curse your mortal". And,Gremlon had became week of death.
While weekened,"Gremlon had as well attracted an added disease".
"Loosing health points on all Grem,"twenty five point's per 5 seconds","Excellent".
Afterwards,the gremlics were aware of there doom and feared there deaths,"Instantly".
One had fleed,fallowed of another,then,"another".
Eeeeek,and he as well had sprinted,"escape'.
"sprint a success","and, it as well narated" .
Darn you Vampire-sumner.
Thats Right Run,Gremlon,"Run!".

                                                     Chapter 7
                                                It's You Again?

The Other Side!
Rise my minion's, 'Minion Resurection".
Summon Success,"All Minions Resurected".
Now,lets see.
You again!
Come back here!
The One Child had no intention of being in battle along with Vamp-sumner.
He had knew if he went into battle too soon,"it would be the end of him".
Why are we running,"Jesse?"
Because,he is the servant of the Evil One that was sent here to destroy us.
you dont understand this,"Tosha".
There is a story long ago where my father had said that he had trained in our home village when we were just little tot's learning in The Knights,Swordsman's and Magesis Academic School Of "The One Children".
You never told me this before.
Well,he grasped.
"He said he was almost  hunted to be destroyed once by a man named to be Vamp-Sumner,'The same guy that we are fleeing of."
Oh,"That is not good".
Yea and he almost killed father if he would not of have escaped into the village and hiding.
In Galmastia.
yep,"in Galmastia".
So that is how you and christopher became well known of my mother and father,"Christy and John".
Yeah?,"Deeply Inhale'd".
Stamina Is Running Low!,"Stamina is at fourty five percent".
Comon, "Tosha".....
"We Must Move Faster!" .

                                                               Chapter 8
                                                    The Battle Of Galmastia

Jessie,Tosha's and James's home village had seen the shiny tips of there recent artillery attack's as they had a-shouted through the already a-known field's of there families and friend's homestead's.
Hurry Tosha!
'We could hide in this barn?
The one of Merrit Gallastine?
No! " no James we still have to warn everyone".
I know,he had said,but,he is completely evil.
yeah i would say he is James,however,he is a better match up if the whole town of Gallastians is against him than just us.
True,"you are right Tosha".
Tosha!,Jessie had already been abroad on his own marsh.
Im going to warn my ma and pa.
I know warn all that i can right Jessie?
We will have to meet back at the Gallastia's well station in no more than a thirty count Jessie and you too Jame's.
Recently,after jessie's  and jame's a-recented jinx,simultaniously talking at each-other together,"the horizons had begun to darken there homesteads and heat lightening along with a-redness had entered the atmosphere.
Very Quickly Now!
"Jame's had,"merked."
There was a door at the steer that had prior of swung open a-flap downwind to Jessie and Jame's position's at there homestead home's.
The first homestead warned had immediately of grabbed the attention of christopher and jame's mother stephony.
Lets move!
We Have to get to the towns well at once.
It's the necromancer father.
Omg,then,"Lets Hurry".
You and mom go,"I will catch up".
And,so it had been of the blessed sheep of his fathers stead.
Jessie,Tosha,And Jame's!
There had been a pre-lude to there warning of the village and all gallastia had knew of it.
We all here?
Let me see James had said.


                                           They were attendenced as so

Jessie,"Im here"             Smarlo                                  Isaac's
Tosha                             Stephany,'Were here"            Sherly
Jame's                            Galmester                              Oprah                
Christopher                    John                                      Farko
Shiela                             Christy                                  Amigra's

The names were pre-read.
All of them were present at the well and carefully.
Hah,"so you do have a village!"
You had no clue I had a home,vamp-sumner?
Nope,but,"I do you remember two of you mert's".
Let us hide no more you necro!
Hah,it is un-holy to see your greatness,"Shiela".
Mortal Curse!
On-screen narrative,"Mortal Curse Initiated".
I lost half life.
Me too.
As well as the rest of us Jame's.
Man twelve hundred hit point's and James had then buffed Tosha with a protect another instant spell he had been saving for the end of the battle.
Keep your weapon's at your guard everyone!

                                                         Chapter 9
                                            We are all going to die.

The battle had continued for hours about the towns well with a scream to be heard at every single gallastian's spell cast


                                          Went like this for hours

Farmers strike                                         Blood suck                                       Show Battle!
"Struck minion instant death "               "Necro feast success! "                    "All are dead"
Farmers shot                                           Warriors slash                                       Deadly Blow!                                                     
Missed "Loose two life".                        "Struck target!",1500health taken.        "Instant!'success.
"Hah,You will be easy karlo"                 Nooo,Tosha,Jame's,Galmaster?

 Dang you One Child.
"500 health removed from blood thirst".
I will do of your life if i can, vamp-sumner!
Well,then,"Necro Bite".
"Bite a success,subject will turn in T-three second's."
Ahhhh,"what is happening to me father?
Shields Up!
"Parties protection increased by twenty five percent".
Arh,You Rat!
What,"can not take the heat Vamp?"
Instant death.
"Instant death success".
Hah,if thats not godly what is?
"God mode activated".
father is dead,"this can not be".
The protector had disapeared in the centered circle of battle.
The death of Jessie had been hard,but,was also ended with the death of James and his father too.
The evil had clouded the land of Gallastia and had lasted far into the feature day n ages.
Year's,Lots of years,it is what had passed of Vamp-Sumner and his chaos he had brought to gallastia.
The clouding still continues as far as what is known of the villager's that were away and not at the village during this battle.
The world of Nemhi had seen doomed of every bit of greatness,except,the farthest feature still sway hope for gallastia and a creature that in legend will be the gallastian's final hope and there revenge.

                                                                      The End
                                                      .....   and to be continued .......

                                       A couple of a chapters brought  to you by

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